Digester Projects
Calgren Renewable Fuels
Calgren Renewable Fuels, partnering with DVO, pioneers sustainability in California with the state's only next-gen anaerobic digester. Transforming waste from Four J Farms into renewable electricity, the digester bolsters ethanol production & local agriculture.
Project Details
- Owner: [unknown]
- Location: Pixley, California
- Date Built: 2014
- Labor Used: [unknown]
- Construction Type: [unknown]
- Years in Service: 9
- Energy Type: Biogas, CNG, electricity
- Energy Output Average: [unknown]
- Input Waste: manure from 2,000 dairy cows, food waste
- Output Byproducts: fertilizer, animal bedding
Established in 2008, Calgren Renewable Fuels develops domestic, non-petroleum ethanol fuel to improve America’s energy security. Regenis of Ferndale, Washington built a DVO digester at Calgren Renewable Fuels in 2014. This project is DVO’s first digester installation in California and the state’s only next-generation anaerobic digester.
Before any digester
- Conventional electricity is purchased from the utility at market rates.
- Farm used open-air ponds for waste settling. Methane gas from wastes contributes to greenhouse gases at rates 21 times more powerful than carbon dioxide.
- Pathogens such as e-coli and salmonella can be concerns from the use of raw, unprocessed farm wastes.
- Nuisance odor issues can result from manure storage
and application.
After a DVO digester
- Renewable electricity is self-generated and sold back to the utility.
- Methane is consumed by the digester, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from farm wastes by 94%.
- Pathogens in the digested waste are greatly reduced, often to the point of non-detection.
- Up to 97% odor reduction is achieved, as odor is burned away in the biogas engines.
Project at a Glance
- Proven DVO Two-Stage Mixed Plug Flow™ anaerobic digester (AD) technology installed and fully commissioned in 2015
- Calgren Renewable Fuels produces 55 million gallons of ethanol each year
- Biogas from the digester will replace thousands of gallons of natural gas used to produce ethanol
- Biosolids will be sent back to Four J Farm Dairy to be used as a high quality and low pathogen count cattle bedding
- Liquid nutrients from the digestion process will also make their way back to the farm to fertilize growing crops
- Each day, the digester receives 55,000 gallons of solid and liquid waste from Four J Farm Dairy and about 10,000 gallons of food waste
- The digester has a fluid capacity of 1,210,000 gallons
- Four J Farms has approximately 2,000 head of cattle
1st Installation
This project is DVO’s first digester installation in California and the state’s only next-generation anaerobic digester.
55 Million
Calgren Renewable Fuels produces 55 million gallons of ethanol
each year
Each day, the digester receives 55,000 gallons of solid and liquid waste from Four J Farm Dairy and about 10,000 gallons of food waste

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